Workshop on RFID and Lightweight Crypto
The use of state-of-the-art cryptographic methods on RFID tags
opens a new range of applications for these tags and for cryptography.
The aims of the workshop are to increase the awareness for cryptographic
methods and solutions among RFID developers, and for the requirements
of this heavily constrained environment among cryptographers. The
workshop will be held in Graz, Austria at the Graz University of
The workshop will bring together researchers and developers from
industry and academia, in order to exchange novel ideas and experiences.
The scope includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:
- Applications for RFID tags
- Cryptographic algorithms for constrained environments
- Cryptographic protocols adapted to RFID applications
- Low-power implementations
The workshop program will contain invited talks and contributed
presentations. There will be no formal proceedings, but a workshop
handout with abstracts will be provided to all participants.
The following speakers have confirmed their participation:
* Gildas Avoine
* Dieter Gollmann
* Ari Juels
Call for Papers
First Call for Papers (pdf, html).
Authors interested to give a presentation should prepare a submission
of at most 12 pages, using LaTeX.
Paper submissions should be sent to rfidsubmission@iaik.tugraz.at
Important Dates
Submission deadline: May 23.
Acceptance notification: June 13.
Final version due: July 4.
Early registration: until June 15.
Workshop: July 14-15.
Program Committee
Vincent Rijmen, TUGraz (chair)
Phong Nguyen, ENS
Christof Paar, RUB
Bart Preneel, KULeuven
Matt Robshaw, RHUL
Registration is available here.
Accomodation information is available here.
Workshop Program
The workshop program is available here.
A pdf version of the program is also available.
Social Events
Information about the social events is available here.
Local Information
Local information is available here.
A limited number of grants for non-ECRYPT researchers is
available. You can apply for a grant by sending an informal application
to Elisabeth.Oswald@iaik.tugraz.at.
The deadline for handing in the applications is June, 23th. You
will be notified of our decision until June, 27th.
The workshop is organized together with IAIK's VLSI group within
the Network of Excellence in Cryptology (ECRYPT). Questions regarding
the organization of the workshop should be directed to rfidinfo@iaik.tugraz.at