Computational Number TheoryWorkshop
as part of FoCM'05
July 7-9, 2005
University of Cantabria
Santander, Spain
Organizers: A. Lauder
(Oxford), J. Pila
open for registration: from link below
This workshop is one of 21 workshops
associated with FoCM'05,
The dates of FoCM are June 30 to July 9: our workshop is in the third
We anticipate approximately 15
talks, to be held in the afternoons. Plenary conference talks take
place in the mornings; the plenary speaker associated with our
workshop is Jan Denef (July 8, 9:00-10:00).
Please contact the organizers (,
if you are interested in attending and/or speaking.
We are unfortunately unable to offer any financial support to
attendees; indeed there is a registration fee of
USD200. This is for the whole conference; other workshops (e.g. in
computational algebraic geometry (in the first period: June 30-2 July)
or random matrix theory (in the second period: 4-6 July)) may also be
of interest to participants.
Schedule of talks (please see schedule on main
conference website for more details):
July 7, 2005
13:50-14:35: Frederik Vercauteren -
The discrete logarithm problem on algebraic tori
14:40-15:25: Steven D. Galbraith (semiplenary) - Applications of
pairings in cryptography
Tea break
16:00-16:45: Alan Lauder - Effective p-adic estimates in rigid
16:50-17:35: Joe Suzuki - Generalising Kedlaya's order counting
based on Miura theory
17:50-18:15: Hendrik Hubrechts - Deformation and the cohomology
of Monsky-Washnitzer
July 8, 2005
13:50-14:35: Neeraj Kayal - Solvability of a system of polynomial
equations over a finite field
14:40-15:25: M. Angeles Gomez Molleda - Explicit determination of
the dihedral Galois group of irreducible polynomials
Tea break
16:00-16:45: Daniel J. Bernstein (semiplenary) - Integer
factorization: a progress report
16:50-17:35: Gweltaz Chatel - Towards counting points using rigid
cohomology with compact support
July 9, 2005
14:40-15:25: Omar Kihel -
Perfect powers having equal digits but one
Tea break
16:00-16:45: Michael Rubinstein - Computing with L-functions
associated to Hecke eigenforms
16:50-17:35: Rasa Slezeviciene and Jorn Steuding (semiplenary) -
The Riemann zeta-functions: an atlas of the real world