import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic import Goppadecoding.hamming import Goppadecoding.vanishing namespace Goppadecoding open Polynomial section vanishing_hamming variable {k: Type _} [Field k] [DecidableEq k] variable {U: Type _} [DecidableEq U] theorem hamming_weight_roots_eq_degree_if_dvd_monic_vanishing_at {α e: U → k} {S: Finset U} {a: k[X]}: Set.InjOn α S → a ∣ monic_vanishing_at α S → (∀ s, s ∈ S → e s = if a.eval (α s) = 0 then 1 else 0) → hamming_weight e S = := by intro injective amv ea have earoots: hamming_weight e S = (S.filter (fun s ↦ a.eval (α s) = 0)).card := by unfold hamming_weight apply congr_arg ext s simp only [ne_eq, Finset.mem_filter, and_congr_right_iff] intro sinS rw[ea s sinS] simp only [ite_eq_right_iff, one_ne_zero, not_forall, exists_prop, and_true] have arootsadeg: (S.filter (fun s ↦ a.eval (α s) = 0)).card = := roots_card_eq_degree_if_dvd_monic_vanishing_at injective amv calc ((hamming_weight e S): WithBot ℕ) = ((S.filter (fun s ↦ a.eval (α s) = 0)).card: WithBot ℕ) := by norm_cast _ = := arootsadeg end vanishing_hamming